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Looking for awesome, easy and the best DIY cleaning tips? Then you actually landed in the right place. Here you can find almost all the ways to clean your walls, oven, and even windows. Save money by learning from the best in the industry, subscribe to our newsletter to get updates whenever a new cleaning tip is released. Well then enjoy the read.

Seven Surprising Health Benefits of Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning traditionally meant deep cleaning a house after winter to prepare it for warmer seasons. However, over the years, the term has become synonymous with a thorough house cleaning at any time of the year. Since the process takes time, energy and effort, hiring a professional service for spring cleaning in Port Macquarie is […]
By : Angelina

10 Essential Cleaning Tools For Household Chores

According to reports, a single germ in your home can multiply into eight million germs in 24 hours. This means you need to clean and disinfect your home regularly to eliminate all these germs and bacterial infections. To help you clean your home most effectively and efficiently, bond cleaning experts in Port Macquarie have suggested […]
By : Angelina

What Are The Different Types Of Carpet Cleaning?

Did you know that indoor carpet tends to embed more than 200,000 bacteria per square inch? A stained and dust-laden delicate floor covering may cause various health problems related to your skin, respiratory system and weak immune system. This is because dust and allergens can settle in the fibres if you don’t clean them regularly. […]
By : Angelina

Top Cleaning Habits to Teach Kids

Do you often find yourself doing your kid’s chores or cleaning up after them? Then you are in the same boat as other Aussie parents, as a study found that almost 50% of parents do their kid’s chores for them. The same study also found that, on average, parents declutter and clean their kid’s rooms. […]
By : Angelina

How to Save Money on Cleaning Supplies

People spend thousands of dollars every year on cleaning supplies to keep their home spick and span. However, house cleaning doesn’t have to be costly if you follow the right approach. With proper planning and by following some smart tactics, you can easily save money and keep your home perfectly clean. If you want to […]
By : Angelina

How to Prepare for Bond Cleaning in 7 Simple Steps?

When you move out of the rental house, the biggest challenge for you is to clean the property in the best possible manner. Most tenants find the task highly stressful and overwhelming because it is completely different from regular dusting and vacuuming. If you fail to clean the property perfectly, your landlord can deduct money […]
By : Angelina

How to Disinfect Your Home

People usually focus on clearing clutter and removing visible dust, dirt, stains, etc., during house cleaning. However, it is not enough to get rid of the germs and bacteria that lead to various health issues, particularly in kids and the elder. Therefore, you should disinfect the household surfaces to improve the hygiene of the home. Now […]
By : Angelina

How To Clean A Glass-Top Stove

Do you have a beautiful glass-top stove stained with food particles and grease? Glass-stove tops are stylish and look nice but get dirty quickly, especially if it is a black glass stove. You should regularly clean and maintain your glass-top stoves using expert hacks to make cleaning easier and faster by bond cleaning professionals in […]
By : Angelina

7 Pet Safe Cleaners for the Tidy Pet Parent

Maintaining a tidy home isn’t always simple, especially if you have a furry friend. Whether you have a dog or cat, store-bought cleaners that contain ammonia, bleach, phenols, formaldehyde and even rubbing alcohol can be dangerous if ingested directly. That’s why it is imperative to store pet-safe cleaning products out of your pet’s reach. All […]
By : Angelina

The 30-Minute Daily Clean Routine to Keep Your House Organised 

House cleaning is a challenging and overwhelming task for most people. That is why household chores often get neglected. However, delaying the task won’t make it easier. It will become even more difficult. Moreover, a dirty home allows germs and bacteria to flourish, leading to various health issues, particularly in kids. So, if you don’t […]
By : Angelina